5. Stage
1530 – 1535
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………………………………………………………A group of master craftsmen and workshops between 1530 – 1535 “easy trend” works – a group of academics that have been accepted as the current style of the masters – also after Şah Kulu period, such as an innovative production of ceramics remained until 1545…………………….
However, this period has its own unique features. For example:
There are two main colors used in other than white, tones of blue and turquoise.
Pattern applied simple draws.
Painting and brush techniques, is very weak.
Vertical and horizantal view totally lost
For the first time in buds, spring flowers, tulips, saz leaves and carnations are drawn. However, in practice and attention to detail no. Central composition dispersed.
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image 107
h: 5.5 cm Ø : 34.8 cm (rim) Ø : 18.2 cm date 1530-40
Saz leaves, spring flowers, tulip and carnation buds are Under the protection of dragons. Middle border is also in the control of dragons too. Broken branches are used for the first time. On the central panel Baba Nakkaş not forgotten. The white on blue ground pattern is inherited form master. Bilateral drakes, even pomegranate flowers under the protection of dual dragons, escaped and came to from oil lamps in the mosque in 1510. Even the veins in leaves not forgotten, an example of a faithful.
General style; Chinese imitation “easy trend”
image 111
date 1540
Imitation of China “easy trend” continues, turquoise is essential.
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